FIG brief van de Voorzitter aan de FIG leden

16 december 2014
Geacht lid,

Graag delen wij met u de onderstaande brief van de Voorzitter van de FIG, CheeHai Teo.

FIG Letter from the President to FIG Members
Dear Member of FIG
Concluding the year and thereby also the term 2011-14, please find attached the final letter to all FIG Members from FIG President CheeHai Teo.
The letter marks the completion of the term for both the President, the Council and all chairs and volunteers serving FIG during this term 2011-2014. It hereby also marks the transition to the incoming President, Council, Commission Chairs and all others who take an active part in FIG.
I hereby encourage you to share the letter with your members and colleagues.
As a concluding task, CheeHai Teo and FIG Office welcomed Incoming President Chryssy Potsiou and Secretary General Chronis Akpitidis from the Technical Chamber of Greece to Copenhagen having fruitful interactions and discussions: For more information - Click here.
The Letter from the President can also be found on the FIG web site.
Finally, I will use the opportunity to wish you seasons greeting and will heartily welcome you to a new and exciting 2015 and a new term 2015-18.
Best regards,
Kind regards
Ms. Louise Friis-Hansen
FIG Manager

FIG Letter from the President to FIG Members

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